old town groups

Making a larger church feel like a small, close-knit community starts here.

We have crafted the following environments to help you meet people who share your same season of life and live in your area of town. Young or old, Christian or non-Christian, single, married, or divorced, we have a place for you to connect and grow.

Do you have any questions about GROUPS here at Old Town? Send us an email at groups@oldtownfg.com!


Looking for a new study for your group? Take a look at some FREE resources below…

  • We learn and grow in community, so Open Network compiled a set of Small Groups studies that help lead us to become fully devoted followers of Christ. Find complete studies by clicking GROUP STUDIES

  • Everything you need to share God’s Word

    No matter who you are or what your experience is, The Word One to One is designed to help you introduce your friends to Jesus through His Word. CLICK HERE

  • Our mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. CLICK HERE

  • FREE Videos and questions perfect for group meetings. CLICK HERE

  • “Helping you discover God’s Purpose in Life…” CLICK HERE



Starting Point is an 8-week gathering where your questions about God turn into a conversation about faith. In a Starting Point group, you can discuss your doubts and explore the trickiest topics of faith, free from pressure and judgment.

Check out this intro video to the Starting Point video series!

If you would like to join the next Starting Point group send us an email groups@oldtownfg.com